Beignet has made leaps and bounds in both talking and in her physical boundaries. First off, she has decided that snuggling once in a while is okay. She likes to come to the kitchen, the bathroom, and most of all my art studio. She has also established herself as ruler of the pack (two cats and a small dog). Yes, we are very careful about the cats and her cage is always closed when we are not present.
Beignet's newest words are "more", "please" and "piece of cracker". She has taught herself to combine them with already learned words and now says "more piece of cracker", "step up please", "more water", "MORE cracker", and when that doesn't work for a cracker she says "I love you...MORE piece of cracker". Manipulative little gal!
Among her other assets is the ability to identify 11 colors, to count to four and to understand the difference between morning and night. She has begun shape identification, but it is still an elementary thing involving getting used to the toys themselves. She has some mechanical toys that require her to do something and then she gets a tune or a sound for what she does. These are durable baby toys and she totally loves them.
Let me know what your birds are doing.